In 1937, the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District was created to contract with the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation to build the Colorado-Big Thompson Project. Owned by the federal government, the C-BT Project, collects supplemental water west of the Continental Divide and delivers it to more than a million people in Northeastern Colorado for agricultural, municipal, domestic and industrial purposes. Our water project efforts expanded in 1970 with the creation of Northern Water’s Municipal Subdistrict by six Front Range municipalities searching for additional water supplies. This eventually resulted in construction of the Windy Gap Project during the early 1980s.

While our current and future projects drive day-to-day operations, Northern Water does much more in fulfilling our commitment to project participants, allottees and the general public. Through our water efficiency program, Northern Water encourages good stewardship of Colorado’s water resources. This includes investing with local partners and green industry professionals to educate the public on how to do more with less water.